Liver Diseases

In recent years, experts have noted an increase in the number of liver diseases in the population. The danger of these diseases is, among other things, that at an early stage they can be asymptomatic or with unexpressed symptomatology. 

When a patient consults a doctor, it is often difficult for a specialist to adjust the changes that have occurred in the body: long and serious treatment is required. That is why the timely diagnosis of liver diseases, as well as their prevention, is very important for maintaining

Causes of diseases

 Before talking about the causes of liver diseases, let us say a few words about what functions this body performs. First of all, this is a detoxification: it is the liver enzymes that process toxic compounds into a safe form. In addition, important metabolic processes occur in the liver.

 In this iron, bile is synthesized, without which normal digestion (and, first of all, digestion of fats) is impossible, and glycogen reserves from excess glucose are formed. Here there is a metabolism of vitamins and hormones. The liver is actively involved in the metabolism, and its work is affected by many different factors that often cause diseases. Let's name the main of them:
·       Metabolic disorders and, in particular, obesity. With the growing number of people suffering from excess weight, the number of people affected by the so-called non-alcoholic fatty liver increases, which leads to a change in the structure of the organ tissues.

   As a result, the liver cannot perform its function to the fullest. According to research, in Pakistan, this disease affects about 27% of the population.
·        Alcohol abuse. This is probably one of the most well-known causes that eventually lead to liver disease. The risk factors for the development of alcoholic liver disease (ABP), the most common forms of which are fatty degeneration, alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis, occur in about 40% of the Pakistan population, and the death rate from it is at the level of 14 000 people a year.

   Abuse of alcohol leads to the deposition of fat in the liver cells, they cease to function normally and eventually die, which leads to the growth of connective tissue in the liver.

·       No less impressive statistics on viral diseases of the liver: first of all, it is viral hepatitis, which leads to the development of more serious pathologies, such as cirrhosis, liver cancer, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

   According to the WHO, about 1.4 million people die each year from different forms of hepatitis, these virus diseases cause cirrhosis in 57% of cases, and primary cancer - in 78% of cases. Hepatitis is dangerous in that they often go into chronic form, in addition, viruses affect the liver tissue in several ways: cause inflammation and destroy hepatocytes. Abuse of medicines and other.

Toxic lesions

 The list of drugs that can lead to serious lesions of the gland is large enough: it includes various painkillers, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, some antibiotics, hypnotics, and others.

 Toxic damage can develop asymptomatically, becoming chronic, and then signs of liver damage will be noted only a few months after the negative impact on the body. In addition to diseases caused by the above reasons, autoimmune liver diseases occur, the hereditary factor plays a large role, the presence of helminths in the body, and so on, affects the liver status. However, the vast majority of diseases is associated with these factors. 

Under their influence in the liver, various changes begin, which eventually lead to a disruption of the functions of the organ. Among the most serious pathologies can be identified the following: hepatosis (fatty liver, steatosis); Hepatitis - inflammatory diseases, having a different nature; fibrosis - the process of gradual replacement of healthy liver cells with a connective tissue; cirrhosis - irreversible fibrotic replacement of liver tissue, which passes with a serious impairment of organ functions; hepatic failure - a condition in which the liver partially ceases to perform its function; cancer and others.

The main liver diseases: symptoms and signs

 Let us dwell on the signs of liver diseases. This is important since for many initial symptoms a person cannot pay attention, writing off the deterioration of the general condition for fatigue, stress, poor ecology. And when the symptoms of the liver disease become more pronounced, treatment requires greater efforts on the part of the doctor and the patient.

Infectious diseases: viral hepatitis
These are inflammatory diseases of the liver, the manifestations of which can differ depending on the type of hepatitis (A, B, C, )and others, differ in the type of pathogen). Hepatitis A was widely spread, which, according to initial signs, is similar to the flu: the patient has a fever, the general state of health worsens. 

The diagnosis becomes apparent after the onset of jaundice: usually after this, the patient's well-being improves. More dangerous are forms of hepatitis B and C. They can cause cirrhosis and liver cancer and lead to death.

 Exchange violations
The liver is often called the "depot fat": it is in the hepatocytes is fat metabolism, so the cells of this gland are very sensitive to metabolic disorders. As a result, fatty hepatosis, or obesity of the liver, can begin. In addition to diet disorders, other diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus or Crohn's disease), as well as alcoholism, can be the cause of fatty hepatosis. 

The disease begins with the accumulation of fat in the liver cells. This leads to disruption of their normal work, excess in the body of free radicals, and then - to inflammation.

As a result of the development of the disease, the cells of the gland begin to die (necrosis of the tissues), in their place the connective tissue is actively formed, and the liver ceases to function normally.

 Fatty hepatosis is asymptomatic, but the patient may experience general discomfort, he is worried about bloating, nausea, stool, and body temperature. To pay attention to the liver is caused by such signs as bitterness in the mouth, jaundice, pain in the right hypochondrium. However, often obesity of the liver is revealed during the diagnosis of other diseases.
Note! In addition to violations of fat metabolism, there are a number of liver diseases associated with a failure of the metabolism of carbohydrates and excessive accumulation of glycogen. They are due to the peculiarities of the liver enzyme system. Toxic lesions One of the main functions of the liver is the purification of blood from toxins. 

However, there are substances with which liver cells cannot cope and which pose a special threat to the gland. These are various phenols, aldehydes, benzene derivatives, acetaldehyde, which is a product of the breakdown of alcohol, salts of heavy metals and others. Toxic liver damage can develop rapidly, but it can also be virtually asymptomatic.

As a result of the action of toxins in the cells of the gland, metabolic processes are disturbed, fat tissue accumulates, inflammation and necrosis develop, connective tissue grows and cirrhosis may develop. Also, toxins can cause circulatory disorders, which adversely affects the condition of the tissues. 

Patients with toxic liver lesions complain of pain in the right side of the abdomen, which begins as a result of an increase in the size of the organ. There may be general signs of an organism intoxication: fever, deterioration of well-being, nausea, vomiting, nosebleed, etc.

Liver tumors
 They are divided into benign and malignant. There are a lot of benign liver tumors: lipomas, hemangiomas, fibromas. To benign neoplasms are also cysts. 

These diseases often occur asymptomatically, and only if the tumor or cyst grows, the size of the organ can increase, which causes pain in the right side of the abdomen. Liver cancer is usually a consequence of infectious, metabolic diseases, but most liver cancers are associated with the penetration of metastases from other organs.

Malignant tumors lead to worsening of the general condition, weakness, loss of appetite, decrease in the total body weight. Later, when the structure of the liver tissue changes, the organ becomes dense and painful. The disease is often accompanied by jaundice.
Consequences of liver disease
As we have already emphasized, the first symptoms of liver disease often do not cause fear in patients. If treatment is not started on time or is performed incorrectly (for example, if the patient is self-medicated), this can lead to serious consequences.

 So, if at the initial stage of many diseases of the liver in the cells there is an accumulation of fats, then the progression of the disease eventually leads to the degeneration of the tissues and the disruption of the normal functioning of the organ.
 However, these are not all dangerous consequences. For example, in almost all cases of cirrhosis in patients, the pressure in the portal vein also increases. This leads to varicose enlargement of other veins, including the stomach and esophagus, which eventually can result in bleeding and death (in 30% of cases of cirrhosis). 

Another complication is ascites - the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, as well as peritonitis. As a result of the poor-quality cleansing of blood from toxins and their influence on the central nervous system, the patient may develop encephalopathy, which in the final, IV stage, causes someone. Thus, the consequences of untimely or incorrect treatment of liver diseases can be the most serious. That is why great attention should be given to prevention issues.
 Since many liver diseases are the result of an incorrect lifestyle, the physical activity and the nature of nutrition need to be adjusted in the first place. Also, beneficial effect on the liver is the rejection of bad habits. Also, beneficial effect on the liver is the rejection of bad habits. Of great importance is the observance of personal hygiene (prevention of hepatitis A), sexual hygiene (prevention of hepatitis B and C), a general increase in immunity. However, all these measures cannot guarantee that the liver's health will not suffer: too many negative environmental factors have an effect on the body.