Graves Disease

Graves Disease

Among the numerous diseases of the thyroid gland, one of the most famous among the masses is the so-called Graves’ disease, named after the American RJ Graves, who opened it in 1835.

 It is often possible to find the name "diffuse toxic goiter". We will understand what is the essence of this thyroid pathology and how it can be coped with.

Diffuse toxic goiter is a disease of an autoimmune type that occurs due to excessive production of thyroid hormones. They are produced by the diffuse tissue of the thyroid gland, hence one of the names. 

This phenomenon leads to the poisoning of the body with hormones, that is, thyrotoxicosis. The immune system begins to function improperly, antibodies are being developed that do not act on any external elements but on the thyroid itself. Although the iron does not undergo destruction, it begins to work particularly actively, as a result of which hormones begin to "accumulate" in huge quantities.
Graves Disease

How to determine?

There are certain symptoms that can reveal the manifestations of this disease. Each of them can relate to some other pathology, but if several symptoms are observed at a time, then you need to pay close attention to this. 

The most striking feature of the probable manifestation of the problem is the edemas, which is formed due to the process of scarring of soft tissues. Graves' disease, it's Based's disease, leads to the fact that the muscles responsible for eye movement begin to swell on an ongoing basis. But this is not the only possible symptom. You can also highlight the following:
·       Needless to lose weight quickly.
·       Diarrhea.
·       Changes in the pulse, manifestations of arrhythmia.
·       Swelling, sweating.
·       Problems with nail plates (thinning).
·       Trembling in the hands.
·       Rapid fatigue increased weakness.
·       Hypertension or tachycardia.
·       Irritability, attacks of the causeless historian, increased excitability.
If such a beginning is manifested, then it means that you cannot postpone your visit to a doctor. 

But self-treatment is unacceptable since it is very easy for a layman to make a mistake in the diagnosis. For an accurate definition of the disease, the endocrinologist will prescribe blood tests, the ultrasound scan of the thyroid gland, and also scan it to reveal changes in its structure. Sometimes not all of these stages are necessary, each case is individual.

At whom meets?

Graves' disease does not occur in all people in a sufficiently equal degree - there are groups at risk, in which the probability of a problem is much higher. It is most often found in the North-West, in the so-called iodine-deficient regions.

 The age at which the disease most often manifests itself is 20 to 40 years (according to other sources, from 30 to 50). Women are affected more by this health problem, they suffer from it in almost 8 times more men. But no one is immune to the disease, it can suffer from men and teenagers, and even sometimes old people.

But one of the most important factors, which is of decisive importance, is the hereditary predisposition to Based's disease. It is the hereditary factor that increases the likelihood that symptoms of the disease (which in turn is a symptom of thyrotoxicosis) will manifest
What factors increase the likelihood of the disease?

In addition to thyrotoxicosis, other factors may increase the likelihood that Graves' disease may manifest in a person. These include, for example, the following:
·       Craniocerebral injury.
·       Diseases affecting the nasopharynx.
·       Injuries of a mental nature.
·       Various types of infectious and inflammatory processes that occur in the body.
This is only part of the possible provoking factors, which cause Graves' disease. Some of them should be singled out separately, for example, some drugs that are intended for the therapy of multiple sclerosis, as well as hepatitis. 

This does not mean that they should not be taken, but it means that it is necessary to control the dosage of their reception and to monitor the condition of the thyroid gland in parallel, adjusting the treatment in parallel if any, even relatively small deviations occur.

Another special factor is pregnancy. In particular, with the process of bearing a child, the fetal cells can penetrate to the mother - and this leads to the fact that the body can react unconventionally, attacking its own thyroid gland and damaging its tissues. Therefore, to monitor the body during the course of pregnancy, you always need a special way.

How to treat?

Treatment of the disease begins with a conservative approach. The effectiveness of such therapy is confirmed in about a third of cases of their total number. First, the patient is prescribed thyreostatics, which minimize the production of hormones in the thyroid gland. 

First, they are given in a larger volume, but gradually the treatment is adjusted, reducing the dose to the supporting ones. The total duration of treatment will be long enough, it can take from one year to about thirty months until the symptoms go down.

If with a decrease in the dose of drugs, a relapse begins and all symptoms begin to manifest again, then a more radical treatment should be resorted to, because otherwise, everything can only worsen. In this case, the patient first begins to actively prepare for the procedures - carry out the necessary examination, adjust the hormonal background, carry out therapy of concomitant diseases that can prevent radical measures.

Radical measures, in this case, include surgical intervention, as well as radioisotope treatment. After these procedures are carried out, there is a high probability that a person will develop hypothyroidism. In this case, there is no way to do without ongoing replacement therapy with the use of synthetic tyrosine.
Summing up

Graves’ disease, it's also a diffuse toxic goiter - it's a fairly common disease, which, however, is not so easy to cope with - and it's not always possible to do it until the end. 

Because this disease does not develop and does not affect the body particularly strongly, it is necessary to begin its therapy as quickly as possible, if the first signs that it can indicate are found. Do not engage in self-medication, but trust a qualified endocrinologist.