symptoms of high blood sugar

When you eat too much sugar, your addiction develops, similar to drug addiction. It is exacerbated because today almost all the foods that we eat contain sugar.

A nutritionist or coach at the first meeting immediately tells you that you need to completely exclude sugar from the diet because it is a poison for our body.

He not only adds extra pounds to us, but also negatively affects other vital systems, and also worsens the chemical composition of the blood. Most people do not suspect what effect sugar can have on their body.

In fact, diabetes is just one of the symptoms of high blood sugar. There are a number of side effects that indicate that it's time for you to give it up once and for all. Often we do not take them seriously because they seem to us quite ordinary. 

symptoms of high blood sugar

Excessive sugar intake symptoms: General exhaustion

 The effect of eating sugar is comparable with the use of stimulant drugs. Immediately after you ate sugar, the body releases a huge amount of energy, but very quickly it falls below the desired level. As a result, the initial peak falls to depressive indicators.

The general reaction to fatigue is to drink more Coca-Cola and other stimulants, which also contain a lot of sugar. So we run the same cycle from the beginning.

We advise you to drink coffee with sweeteners and other ingredients (not sugar) that will help you restore energy.

Anxiety due to sweet:

As we said before, sugar is very similar in its action to drugs.
When we eat too much sugar, we want even sweeter, and dependency arises. The fact is that glucose is required for our body to survive, and when we get it, our body requires even more. Today, producers add sugar to the most incredible products, 
including meat.

Mood Changes:

If we think about the two above mentioned symptoms, then we will understand why the more sugar we eat, the more we want.
When we eat sweets, it seems to us that we feel better. And on the contrary, when we notice their absence, we begin to get angry.
So our peace of mind begins to depend on food.
Since we all eat high-glucose purchases, we know that withdrawal can be associated with almost any product.

Excess weight:
Our brain needs sugar to work normally, but the body turns it into fat. The pancreas can not produce enough insulin to digest the sugar, and the liver also lays it as a fat reserve.
Do not worry, you can eat various fruits to lose weight. The glucose contained in them is not as harmful as cakes and other purchased sweets.

Poor skin condition:
Insulin is required for digesting sugar. It is a very powerful substance that overflows the body when we eat too much sugar.
Many people are sensitive to sweets, so the skin begins to dry and peel.
In stores, we can buy a variety of products that are designed to improve the condition of the skin. Before resorting to them, try to give up sugar completely or at least reduce its content in food.

Increased pressure:
You've probably heard that salt is very harmful to people with high blood pressure, but do you know that sugar is even more harmful?
This study proves that sugar greatly overloads the heart, which causes the metabolism to break, resulting in increased BP.
This malaise is very common today, but few people are able to establish a connection between malnutrition and fluctuations in blood pressure.
Our ailments can have many causes, but it is obvious that negligent attitude toward nutrition combined with the abuse of sweet increases the symptoms of high blood sugar that can result in diabetes.