Black iron Nutrition

Black iron Nutrition, Sources, Food high in iron

Black Iron Nutrition takes part in the production of hemoglobin, which is so important for the normal functioning and development of man.
When iron deficiency can develop iron deficiency anemia (so-called anemia).
At the same time, fatigue, worsening of the general condition, dizziness, loss of appetite, increased weakness, apathy is observed.
In addition, cells and tissues of some organs cease to be supplied with the necessary amount of oxygen, as a result of which the work of the cardiac musculature is disrupted.
·       Lack of iron in the body
·       The lack of iron in the body cannot be overlooked.
·       With its deficiency, the following obvious symptoms appear in a person:
·       pale and dry skin with exfoliation;
·       fragile nails and brittle hair;
Black iron Nutrition

What happens because of a lack of iron in the body

·       impaired concentration;
·       low working capacity;
·       chronic fatigue;
·       lack of interest in others;
·       shortness of breath;
·       a feeling of numbness;
·       infectious diseases;
·       frequent colds;
·       lack of appetite;
·       difficulty swallowing;
·       intestinal disturbances;
·       disturbed blood supply.
The examination includes ultrasound examination of some organs, general and biochemical blood tests.
Nevertheless, the main causes of iron deficiency are the following:
·       various types of bleeding;
·       hereditary factor;
· a strict diet;
·       active sport;
·       helminthic invasions;
·       plentiful monthly.
Timely diagnosis and competent treatment will eliminate the causes and symptoms of iron deficiency in the body, and restore normal functioning and functioning of the body.
Black iron Nutrition

Treatment of iron deficiency anemia

How to cure iron-deficiency anemia, Treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes and symptoms and is complex.
Assign those foods high in iron, as well as a number of drugs with a high content of Ferrum.
Do not overdo it with "iron"!
The foods rich in iron allow a person to determine and control the daily use of certain foods.
Such forethought is necessary in order that the reverse process does not go - an excess of iron in the body.
With this phenomenon, some organs fail.
Excess iron (hemochromatosis) in the body manifests itself as follows.
First, the complexion changes, it acquires either a yellowish color or a brownish color.
Secondly, there is an increase in the liver.
In addition, the patient begins to worry about the itching throughout the body, which causes discomfort and does not give rest.
In addition to all, the heart rhythm is broken, shortness of breath, lack of air, beat down pulse, palpitations are observed.

That is why it is so necessary to know the iron content of the products and to observe the daily use of it.
As a rule, for men over 18, the daily intake of iron is 15 mg., For women of the same age - 17 mg.

Why do I need a thyroid?

Thyroid gland
The lack or excess of iron in the body is directly related to the functioning of the thyroid gland.
This, in the first place, is important for women, as the hormonal background can be broken and changed, which, in turn, will lead to the failure of other, no less important, organs.
Iron is essential for the formation of thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolic processes in the body.
In addition, with iron deficiency, the ability of the body to convert beta-carotene into vitamin A is impaired.
But the most important thing is a metabolic disorder, which, in turn, leads to excess weight.
In the event that you cannot eat all the foods rich in iron, experts recommend using vitamin A, which regulates the lack of iron in the body and stimulates the function of the thyroid gland.
Thus, in order to avoid the development of iron deficiency anemia, as well as for preventive purposes, it is necessary to eat food high in iron.
Sources of iron:
Most of the iron is found in products such as mollusks, oysters, molasses, beef liver, kidneys, heart, sea kale, egg yolk, mushrooms, wheat bran, green salad, buckwheat, beans, fruits, greens and vegetables, dried fruits and others.
These products, any person (especially women) should use during the day to prevent iron deficiency and reduce hemoglobin.