Good bacteria, or probiotics, are living microorganisms that positively influence the human body, do not allow reproduction of harmful bacteria and improve the protective function of the intestine, positively affecting the immune system.

when is it necessary to use it and can we get them only with food products?

A balanced diet is one of the factors that can help us stay healthy. However, the state of health of a person is affected not only by nutrition but also by stress, small motor activity, and many other problems.
In what cases can probiotics help?
it is so-called friendly, or good bacteria that help protect the body from infections caused by unfriendly bacteria or viruses.
Studies on the effectiveness of it in many diseases have been conducted for many decades. We can say with confidence that it has a positive effect on acute intestinal infections - in these cases, they contribute to reducing the duration of the disease and restoring the intestinal mucosa. Proved their positive effect in the case of diarrhea caused by the intake of antibiotics, as well as in the "disease of travelers" - diarrhea.
The use of it has been studied both in various diseases of the digestive system - for example, with constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic inflammation of the intestine, malabsorption of lactose (lactase deficiency), and in diseases associated with upper respiratory tract infections. The effectiveness of probiotics in the treatment of atopic dermatitis has been proved. Today, in the fight against this disease, probiotics act as an additional therapeutic agent.
How to understand when to use it? Can a person decide to use them independently?
In any case, before taking medication or food supplements (for example, vitamins, probiotics), you should consult a doctor. He will say whether it is essential to use it is in this situation. The doctor will also give a recommendation, which it desirable in a particular case and how long they should be consumed.

When is it still not worth using probiotics?
If a person feels healthy, there is no need for its. A healthy person can maintain optimal intestinal microflora, receiving it and prebiotics with food.

With what foods do its and prebiotics enter our body?
It can be obtained with fermented milk products, but not only. A lot of products containing its - for example, chocolate, juices. However, are its contained in all these products sufficient to have a positive effect on the microflora of the stomach? The question remains open.

it is nutrients, for example, non-digestible carbohydrates (fructooligosaccharides, or natural polysaccharides). An example of a fruit with the highest content of prebiotic substances is a kiwi. Probiotic materials are also found in tomatoes, garlic, onions, asparagus, bananas, whole wheat. Such products are a nutrient medium for beneficial bacteria so that their amount in the small intestine increases.

How is it better to take it - in tablets, drops or still with products?

In my opinion, each form of it has its role. Fermented dairy products containing probiotics are usually used for preventive purposes or with minor disturbances in the digestive tract.
it in the form of drugs (tablets, capsules, drops) are more indicated for the treatment of acute illnesses or with prolonged complaints. The most important thing is that its can ititively affect our body, their number should be sufficient.

How does alcohol affect the state of the intestines, overeating?
Alcohol can cause inflammation and ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, which, in turn, negatively affects the work and microflora of the small intestine. Overeating badly affects the digestive tract as a whole, and its functioning is closely related to the microflora of the little gut.
In what cases can it help?
To help it can, but if the mentioned bad habits already caused complaints about poor performance of the digestive tract, then not in all cases.

And how about the kids? Can it come in handy?
it can be used in the control of gastric colic or disorders of the stomach. The results of the studies show that a weekly intake of the bacterium Lactobacillus reuteri can reduce the incidence of colic. But before treatment, parents should consult a family doctor, because in infants stomach cramps may be a symptom of another disease, for example, intolerance to cow's milk. In this situation, a different kind of treatment is needed.