Premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation is a complicated physiological process that combines two processes - emission and, in fact, ejaculation. The phase of discharge is the result of a reflex response from the nervous system (and the reflexes, if you remember, depend very little on our will).

This happens after erotic stimulation (visual or during direct contact). In the emission phase, sperm is released into the urethral lumen due to a reduction in the vas deferens, seminal vesicles, and prostate. While the sensation of approaching ejaculation increases, the possibility of volitional control progressively decreases, reaching a certain point, when ejaculation cannot be stopped.

Immediately after the emission follows the phase of exile - also the result of the unconditional, After this, the external sphincter opens, and the sperm is ejected outward due to contraction of the pelvis.

If you dig deeper, then at the biochemical level, ejaculation is an even more complicated process. I do not urge you to remember these multiple names; I will designate them only for you to imagine how difficult it is also for a very competent doctor to understand why this or that man had this problem.

So, the participants in the process: norepinephrine, serotonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid, nitric oxide. 

Elevated levels of estrogen hormones (also called "female," although a certain amount of estrogens should be in men) or a decreased level of testosterone - the primary male hormone - can cause ejaculation disorders. If a man is not in order with the thyroid gland, then this usually leads to problems in the sexual sphere. If the amount of thyroid hormones is increased, there may be premature ejaculation (PE). If it is reduced, then, as a rule, the erection process is disrupted.

Now judge for yourself - is it simple, is it challenging to treat premature ejaculation...

Prematurely – When it occurs:

In the medical literature, you can find several different definitions of what "premature ejaculation" is.

For example, premature ejaculation is divided into primary and secondary (acquired).

Primary is when PE happens during the first 30 seconds - 2 minutes at each or almost every sexual intercourse, and from the very beginning of sexual activity. Secondary PE occurs after several years of regular sexual activity, and, as a rule, can be associated with the following reasons:

·       Psychological problems (in this case, one partner is healthy, on the other - nothing happens)

·       erectile dysfunction

·       Prostatitis


Deficiency of testosterone

Taking medications or psychoactive substances that interfere with the process of ejaculation (for example, marijuana).

The experts of the International Society for Sexual Medicine, on a generalization of numerous observations, agreed that premature ejaculation should be referred to as "sexual dysfunction in men, in which ejaculation occurs within the first minute of vaginal penetration, as well as the inability to delay ejaculation during all or almost all cases, accompanied by such negative emotional reactions as stress, anxiety, frustration and avoidance of sexual relations. "