Burning spine has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, tonic effect, strengthens immunity. Besides, ginger medicines are pleasant to taste, and unlike, for example, garlic and onions do not leave an unpleasant smell in their mouths. Ginger milk this recipe is famous in Pakistan. Water, ginger, and sugar are syrup.
Ginger is not cleaned, but just finely cut and pounded, then covered with brown sugar (you can use the usual). Boil for 10-15 minutes on low heat, filter, add half a liter of milk, again bring to a boil - the warming drink is ready. It can be served even to guests: for example, I pour half a cup of ginger to each and then add milk foam from the coffee machine. Then I put half the sugar.

A small piece of ginger root grate on a large grater, lightly cover and pour a liter of boiling water. On deficient heat, simmer for about 5 minutes, strain and pour the broth on the leaves of green tea. Give a little insisting. And now experiment! In the tea, you can add honey and lemon (together or separately). You can drink it with honey and hot red pepper, with cinnamon and sugar, with orange juice. And you can use mint instead of green tea.

Ginger mulled wine
In the cooked ginger (as in the previous recipe, only boiling water should be about 0.5 liters) add slices of lemon and orange, cinnamon, cardamom, and sugar. Boil another five minutes, remove from heat and pour half a liter of red grape wine.

Ginger paste
Lemon, orange, 100 g of ginger, honey
Citrus along with the skins pass through the meat grinder. There also add a ginger root of approximately the same weight as a lemon or an orange. In the resulting mixture add 2-3 tablespoons. Honey, mix and put in a jar. Keep in the refrigerator for two weeks.