In winter, when it's easy to catch a cold or flu, you want to wrap yourself in a blanket on a soft sofa and not go out anywhere. But work forces you to risk your health because you can get infected in a crowded office. To protect yourself from infections, follow our recommendations. All on output or exit! Learn to do a wet cleaning of your workplace. Wipe the table and keyboard with a damp cloth - preferably daily at the end of the working day. Regularly ventilate the room, arranging a strong, but short-lived draft in the cabinet - with it the bacteria are eroded as quickly as possible. Do this with colleagues after each visitor leaves, or, if the source of the virus is in the office, at least five times per working day. Dress warmly: hypothermia reduces the body's internal reserves.


 The most dangerous items in the office are the door handle, faucet taps, microwave door, and refrigerator. It is not a bad idea to wipe these surfaces daily with a disinfectant. Wash your hands frequently during the day and keep an antiseptic handy. It is recommended to use significant funds on an alcohol basis. Make an effort and forbid yourself to touch your face throughout the whole working day. Moving the eyes, nose, mouth, you spread pathogens through the body. Support the body. It is said everywhere about how crucial it is to strengthen immunity. Let's add that immune cells are in different organs and systems of the body, including the intestine, where natural antibiotics are synthesized, which protect the body from infectious diseases. Therefore, pay attention to the normalization of microflora.

Try to eat every night 200 grams of live yogurt. In the evening, the metabolism is slowed down, so such a healthy dinner will most likely affect your health. If possible, replace strong tea and coffee with fruit drinks, soft tea with ginger and lemon,  Prepare them at home, bring them to work. Include in your diet greens and legumes (contain a lot of vitamins and trace elements, as well as protein), vegetables and fruits (cellulose will help the good work of the digestive tract). Relax Nothing so weakens the forces of stress. The season of colds is an extra reason to learn to relax and be distracted by problems. At lunchtime, be sure to take time for a walk, best of all - in the park. Look around, point your view outward, and not inside yourself. Examine the beautiful tree, peering at each of its bends, try so that nothing else takes your attention during this couple of minutes. Think of other relaxing rituals.

 Update your handbag
At the exit from the office, you are trapped by another hotbed of bacteria - public transport. At the height of the epidemic, it is always better to walk a few stops than to go in a crowded minibus or trolleybus. Of all the types of public transport, the safest in this sense is the metro since there is proper ventilation.