Testosterone is one of our key hormones for both men and women and therefore it is important that we pay attention to how it is managed in our body. If you have low testosterone, then adding these testosterone-boosting foods to your diet can help you get the boost you need! Whether you're trying to boost testosterone levels naturally or using these products as an addition to your hormone treatment plan, there are plenty of ways to add these ingredients to your diet! In addition to nutrition, we also include supplements in our treatment plans for optimal results.

 Read about ashwagandha, a popular herbal supplement often used to improve libido, energy, and more.

List of Testosterone Boosting Foods!


Honey contains boron, a naturally occurring mineral that can be found in both food and the environment. It is associated with an increase in testosterone levels, and is also beneficial for strengthening bones and building muscle, as well as improving thinking skills and muscle coordination.



Garlic contains a compound called allicin, which may be helpful in lowering cortisol levels. Cortisol is produced in the adrenal glands, where testosterone is produced. When your body is under stress, it releases cortisol and this affects other bodily functions, including testosterone production. Therefore, by reducing the amount of cortisol in the body, you allow the adrenal glands to produce testosterone more efficiently. So while garlic does not act as a testosterone-boosting food on its own, it does lower cortisol levels and, as a result, increase testosterone levels.



Eggs are a fantastic source of protein, cholesterol, vitamin D, and omega-3s, all of which promote testosterone production. Eggs are a very versatile ingredient, and not only do they help boost testosterone levels, but the protein they contain also aids in muscle building!



Almonds are high in the mineral zinc, which is known to increase testosterone levels in people with zinc deficiency. If you have low zinc levels, it can prevent your pituitary gland from releasing some of the key hormones to stimulate testosterone production. By eating foods rich in zinc, you can prevent this and avoid lower testosterone levels.



Oysters are widely known as an aphrodisiac, and there is science behind it! Testosterone increases your libido and oysters are high in zinc! As mentioned above, zinc is very important for healthy testosterone production… so go for it!



Spinach has long been considered one of the best testosterone boosting foods! One of the most popular superfoods, Popeye chose it for a reason! Spinach is a natural source of magnesium, which is positively correlated with testosterone levels. Spinach also contains vitamin B6 and iron, which are great testosterone boosters!



Oatmeal is an excellent source of B vitamins, which are essential for good testosterone production. There are a number of different B vitamins, many of which are found in testosterone-boosting foods. One of the B vitamins that play a direct role in testosterone production is vitamin B6, which suppresses estrogen production, thereby helping to increase testosterone levels! Oats are a great source of various B vitamins and therefore one of the best testosterone boosting foods! For more information on B vitamins and their role in testosterone production, click here.



Lemons, along with other citrus fruits, are great testosterone boosting foods! Like garlic, they help lower cortisol levels, which means testosterone, can be produced more readily. Not only that, they contain vitamin A, which is essential for testosterone production and can help lower estrogen levels, which means testosterone can be more effective.



Good quality wild salmon is a great addition to the list of testosterone-boosting foods because it contains magnesium, vitamin B, and omega-3s, which we have already found to increase testosterone levels. But not only that, it also helps lower levels of “sex hormone-binding globulin,” which makes testosterone non-functional. If this is lowered, testosterone can have a greater effect on your body.



Tuna is a great source of vitamin D, About which researchers  say can help boost testosterone levels by up to 90%! Vitamin D helps maintain sperm count, and tuna is a great way to get that particular vitamin.