"Hygiene as a science is a comprehensive concept that covers virtually all aspects of people's lives." The word "hygiene" comes from the Greek hygiene s, which means "bringing health." Definitions Hygiene is very much, but, perhaps, they all mean one thing: hygiene is the science of improving and preserving human health.

Hygiene includes many sections, such as food hygiene, hygiene of children and adolescents, occupational hygiene, sports hygiene, personal hygiene, public hygiene, environmental health, military hygiene, etc. Since the subject matter of the site is fully included in the concept of "Hygiene," for simplicity of understanding in this section of the website we will cover only the theme of it.

Personal hygiene 

 A set of rules of human behavior in everyday life and at work. In the narrow sense, hygiene is the hygienic content of the body, clothing and household items. Violations of the requirements of personal hygiene can affect the health of one person, as well as vast groups of people (enterprise collectives, families, members of different communities and even residents of entire regions).

1. Body hygiene.

 Human skin protects the entire body from all kinds of environmental influences. Observance of the purity of the surface is essential because, besides the protective function, it performs the following services: thermoregulatory, metabolic, immune, secretory, receptor, respiratory and other functions.
Wash daily with warm water. The water temperature should be 37-38 degrees, i.e., slightly above average body temperature. Through the skin of a man, up to 300 g of fat and up to 7 liters of sweat is released per week. To ensure that the protective properties of the skin are not disturbed, these discharges should be washed off regularly. Otherwise, favorable conditions for reproduction of pathogens, fungi and other harmful microorganisms are created on the skin.

Take water procedures (bath, shower, bath) with the use of a sponge should be at least once a week.
Keep hands and nails clean. Open areas of the skin are particularly prone to contamination. Mud, containing pathogenic microbes can get from side to mouth through food. Dysentery, for example, is called a disease of dirty hands. Hands should be washed before going to the toilet and necessarily after the bathroom, before meals and after eating, after contact with animals (both street and home). If you are on the road, then you need to wipe your hands with a damp cloth to eliminate at least some microbes.
Legs should be washed every day with fresh water and soap. Cold water reduces perspiration.

2. Hair hygiene.

 Proper care of the head and hair normalize the functions of the sebaceous glands, also improves blood circulation and metabolic processes. 
The head should be washed as it gets dirty. It is impossible to say the exact number of times. Frequency of washing hair depends on various factors: length of hair, type of hair and scalp, nature of work, time of year, etc. In winter, as a rule, the head is washed more often, because the headdress does not allow the scalp to breathe, which causes sebum to be released much more than usual.
Do not use hot water for washing hair. Hair can become very greasy, as hot water activates the work of the sebaceous glands. Besides, this water helps detergents (soaps and shampoos) to settle on the hair in the form of a gray plaque, which is difficult to wash off.

Carefully consider the choice of hair care products (shampoos, balms, lotions, etc.). Hair absorbs water very well and with it substances that can harm hair, scalp and the body as a whole.
After rinsing, it is useful to cool your hair with fresh water.
Wipe your head after washing preferably with a warm towel, and then allow the hair to dry out in the air. The hair dryer is undesirable because it dries the hair very much.
When combing hair is unacceptable use of other people's hairbrushes.

3. Hygiene of the oral cavity.
 Proper care of the oral cavity helps to keep the teeth in good condition for many years, and also helps prevent many diseases of the internal organs.
Brushing your teeth is necessary every morning and evening.
It is not allowed to use another person's toothbrush.
After eating, be sure to rinse your mouth.
When the first signs of a dental or gum disease appear, contact the dentist immediately.
For preventive examination, visit the dentist at least twice a year.

4. Hygiene of underwear and clothes and shoes.
 An important role in personal hygiene is the purity of our clothes. Clothing protects the human body from contamination, mechanical and chemical damage, cooling, getting insects and so on.
The underwear must be changed after each wash, i.e., every day.
Socks, stockings, stockings, pantyhose change daily. Clothing should be regularly washed.