·   fish (tuna, mackerel, cod, tilapia, salmon species). 
 This is perhaps the most effective "material" for muscle building. In fish, many polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids and amino acids are present, which are necessary for the correct assimilation of protein;
· milk (whole) and dairy products. 
 In addition to that in yogurt, cottage cheese, yogurt, yogurt and other natural dairy fermentation products contain acid milk bacteria - assistants of the digestive system, and they also have a lot of vitamin D, as well as calcium. The latter is needed to strengthen bones and build muscle. Besides, fatty milk (from 3.2%) is a tool that reduces pain in muscles after training;

· eggs, especially egg white.
 Doctors do not recommend eating more than two yolks per day, but protein can be consumed more. The eggs contain a whole list of vitamins: E, A, D, and, of course, an indispensable protein for the athlete;
· low-fat meat (veal, beef, chicken breast, turkey), especially chicken and turkey breast, beef, and rabbit.
 In poultry meat (without skin) - up to 50% protein, and beef and rabbit contain a significant amount of creatine - an acid involved in fat burning and building muscles;
· beans and cereals - a source not only of "slow" carbohydrates but amino acids and protein. 
 For example, in lentils and hemp, it is more than 25%. The words "carbohydrates" should not be afraid, because effective training is impossible without the energy, which is given just the same carbohydrates;
In fruits and vegetables a lot of fiber, various vitamins, and amino acids. The most useful plants for the athlete will be spinach, asparagus, cabbage and leaf lettuce, tomatoes, and fruits - grapefruits, oranges, sour apples, pineapples, and melons. Do not leave without attention and spices: ginger - an excellent anti-inflammatory and fat burning remedy, turmeric is very useful for muscles, and soy sauce of natural fermentation can replace salt and fatty condiments to salads;
nuts, seeds will help to fill the lack of useful fats and vitamin E, as well as the substances necessary for protein synthesis;
Chocolate, jujube. Not all sweets are harmful. Bitter chocolate, like marmalade, marshmallows and other non-caloric candies - an excellent source of fast carbohydrates, necessary for training, and, moreover, an essential element for the development of endorphins in the body.
How fast to gain body weight
Approximate menu for a set of muscle mass:
· Breakfast: 150-200 grams of oatmeal with apple and nuts (1 apple, 30 grams of nuts)

· Lunch: 150-200 grams of meat, vegetable salad or steamed vegetables, 200 grams of boiled buckwheat, brown rice or baked potatoes

· Supper: 150 grams of steam fish or tuna in its juice, salad greens, and egg whites or 150 grams of cottage cheese
Snack before training: 
natural yogurt with fruit or several nuts, toast with jam, a couple of pieces of marmalade, bars of dried fruits with honey
Snack after exercise:
 chocolate milk, seafood salad, cottage cheese