Fitness is considered the most popular means of losing weight along with diets. And the most noticeable results in getting rid of excess weight can be achieved by combining both ways. However, the "usual" diet and diet for weight loss by exercise - far from the same thing. If you want to "build" an ideal body, then you need to adhere to an individual nutrition plan, and not to limit the body in calories or the required elements by it.

How to choose a power mode:
Fitness diet for men and women is different. Girls who are usually engaged in cardio exercises and training to "pull up" the figure, sports nutritionists advise to use more carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (about 50% of the total diet), and also to remember that fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids, are useful for the body. The average daily intake of fat should be at least 20%, the remaining 30% - protein.

Men who want to achieve muscle relief and muscle strength should pay more attention to protein intake (up to 40% of the total daily allowance) and carbohydrates - for slimming it is necessary to reduce their consumption to 35-40%, for weight gain - to increase to 55 %. Fats during the "drying" limit up to 20%, and during the actual muscle building, the rate is 25%.

Fitness diet menu
The main rule of the fitness diet for weight loss is a fractional food: 4-5 times a day, as well as compliance with water balance. Consumption of a sufficient amount of water directly affects the effectiveness of training and the state of the body.
Sample nutrition menu on training days:
15 minutes after waking up, drink a glass of warm water, you can mix it with half a spoonful of honey. Approximately in half an hour - a protein dish (fried eggs without butter, omelet with tomato).
Second breakfast: 
whole-grain toast with low-fat cheese or a small portion of oatmeal/granola.
Lunch: pasta with coarse flour or buckwheat (40-50 grams in dry form), chicken breast or redfish (100-150 grams), vegetable salad. Snack before training: 100 ml of low-fat natural yogurt or cottage cheese with the addition of fresh berries \ unsweetened fruit.
Snack after training: 
Apple \ orange \ half of grapefruit.
A small chicken cutlet for a couple or a serving of lean white fish with a salad of green vegetables. For 1,5-2 hours before sleep, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir with fiber.
It is important to remember that if training is scheduled for the morning, breakfast should be no earlier than 1.5 hours after its end. If the fitness is planned for the second half of the day, then it's better to have lunch for 2-3 hours, and to eat an afternoon's tea an hour before the session, dinner - 2 hours after. Well, if you go to the gym late in the evening, it's better to have dinner beforehand, after a late workout there is not recommended.
The sample menu on non-training days:
 A glass of water with honey upon awakening. After 30 minutes: a portion of cottage cheese with berries or whole-cereal flakes with pieces of fresh fruits and grains.
The second breakfast:
 100 ml of natural yogurt without fillers, 100-150 grams of fruit (except banana and grapes).
light vegetable soup, a portion of brown or wild rice \ boiled buckwheat \ chickpeas with vegetable salad and 100-150 grams of chicken or white fish.
 50 grams of nuts or a small portion of a salad of carrots with olive oil.
 A portion of fish for a couple with vegetables or a salad with tuna, canned in its juice. For 1,5-2 hours before sleep, you can also drink kefir or low-fat yogurt with the addition of fiber and cinnamon for taste.
Diversify the menu can be various variations of vegetable and fruit salads, hot dishes from cereals, soups, smoothies, and cocktails of yogurt and berries. Fans of healthy eating know a lot of recipes for tasty and useful desserts, which only benefit the figure.
To comply with the diet of proper nutrition, products such as refined sugar, white bread and baked pastries, mayonnaise-based sauces, sweet fizzy drinks, sausages and sausages, fast food are unacceptable.
What changes await you
The combination of training and fitness diet will almost certainly give a tangible result in the shortest possible time: the body will become more slender and muscular, the skin will gain firmness and radiance, the mood will improve. However, it is necessary to correctly distribute physical loads to achieve better results and develop an individual menu that will promote fat loss and build muscle mass.
In Gym, experienced coaches will be able to give you all the necessary advice on the diet and useful exercises that are right for you. You will be able to choose a training program so that by alternating power and cardio-operations, you could not only lose weight but also make your body healthy and beautiful.