The satisfaction of hunger is one of the most critical instincts of the body, as it guarantees the preservation of life. Hence, from what we eat, in what quantity, when and how, our survival depends on all its manifestations and aspects. Human nutrition is one of the most important factors directly affecting health.
Improper nutrition leads to disruption of the functions of both individual human organs and the organism as a whole. Harmful and inferior in composition food, and lack of food and its overabundance.

That is why nutrition should be paid attention and make the necessary efforts to ensure that it is full!
Healthy proper nutrition is the intake into the body and the assimilation of those substances that are necessary to replenish the energy expended, build and restore tissues, regulate the work of all organs and systems of the human body.

Pyramid of food (food pyramid)

With a magical depiction of the fundamental principles of healthy nutrition can be seen by looking at the food pyramid, developed by foreign nutritionists and approved by Pakistani specialists. In the food pyramid are not specific products, but five broad groups of products that allows you to diversify your diet and choose those foods that you prefer or are suitable for your lifestyle. Balance your diet, using the food pyramid is quite simple. Let's look at the food pyramid in more detail.

At the bottom of the pyramid are foods that the human diet should have the most and the higher to the top, the less the appropriate products a person should consume.
Products in the food pyramid are conditionally divided into portions. The portion is a limited value and can be equal, for example, 100 gr. Or another amount that is more convenient for you. The number of parts needed by a particular person depends on the age, gender, configuration, health status and degree of activity of a specific person. Below is a food pyramid for the average person, not weakened by illnesses and not engaged in heavy physical labor.

·  Fat, salt, sugar, sweets (must be minimized)
·  Dairy products, yogurts, cheese (2-3 servings)
·  Meat products, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, nuts (2-3 servings)
·  Vegetables and fruits (5-9 servings)
·   Whole-grain foods (6-11 servings)
·   Whole-grain products
·   The basis of the food pyramid is food made from cereals. Whole-grain products include coarse bread, cereals, pasta with whole-grain flour, brown rice. Also to this group in this food pyramid are vegetable fats (olive, sunflower, and other oils).
·  Vegetables and fruits
Vegetables and fruits are beneficial for the human body. They are low-calorie and contain a vast amount of vitamins and trace elements, and also provide a significant amount of water and fiber, which create a feeling of satiety.

Meat products, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, nuts.

This group of products is also called protein-containing foods. It is desirable to give preference to fish, poultry meat, beans. They contain less fat than other protein-containing products of animal origin. Legumes and nuts contain a lot of useful in vitamins and microelements.

Dairy products, yogurts, cheese.

These products are also protein-containing, and in the food, pyramid stands on a par with meat products, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts. Dairy products provide us with proteins, calcium, and other nutrients.

Fat, salt, sugar, sweets.

This group of foods in the diet of a healthy diet should be kept to a minimum, and the best is wholly excluded from the menu of a person. To this group of products also include margarine, products from white flour (bread and pasta), sweets, carbonated drinks.

Fundamentals of proper nutrition:

Try to maximally approximate your diet to the conventional food pyramid, which was mentioned above. That is, the main diet of healthy food should be vegetables, fruits, and cereals.

Try to eat only fresh foods. In extreme cases, you can prepare semi-finished products. Ready meals, sold in many stores and requiring only heating, should be excluded from the diet.

A healthy balanced diet means the use of all food groups. Therefore, try not to replace or exclude specific groups of products. It is just necessary to observe the proportions and diversify your diet.

If you need a snack - eat fruit, nuts or dried fruits.

As often as possible inclusion in the diet different types of cabbage (white, red, broccoli, color, Brussels, kohlrabi, savoy ). In addition to the fundamental useful properties of cabbage, scientists have proved that the use of cabbage significantly reduces the risk of oncological diseases.

If possible, eat low-fat foods.

Try to minimize the consumption of alcohol, sugar, and salt.

Remember the appropriate physical load should balance that eaten food. At the lowest part of the food pyramid,  is the use of liquids and physical activity.