healthy lifestyle

Many of us promise ourselves that on Monday they will begin to take care of their health. Or not from Monday, but from the New Year, or from the beginning of a new month, or after your birthday ... or from tomorrow.
But tomorrow is always such a mystical place where all human productivity, motivation, and achievements are stored. There is still a vast number of reasons why the promise cannot be fulfilled on time. As a result, the dates are shifted, and we promise ourselves that tomorrow we will do the promised.
But to lead a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to imagine that this is the right way of life. 

No 1 - get enough sleep

To feel good, you need at least seven hours of sleep, and for beauty - it is better to sleep at least 9 hours a day. And we must fall asleep before midnight, because in the first half of the night the most necessary phases of sleep occur, which give the person energy. If you do not dial it enough at night, then fatigue, poor concentration, and memory loss will not keep you waiting. 

No 2 - eat right

Drink plenty of water - just not sweet and soda, but clean and drinkable - it removes all harmful substances from the body.
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. As the scientists calculated, it is enough to eat five different fruits every day to reduce the probability of early death and premature aging by 20 Percent. And try not to eat up at night - it delays the night metabolism, which at night and so slowed down.
As few snacks on the go and as dry as possible, as many freshly squeezed juices and soups - and your body will thank you with the fresh appearance and excellent health. And remember - it's better more often, but little by little, than once - but before dumping.

No 3 - are treated on time

Examine your body to see what you need to fight. At least once a year, take a physical examination, check all the organs. One.

No 4 - give up harmful habits
Nicotine and alcohol destroy human health and immunity. To maintain a good state of health - get old and bad habits in exchange for old bad habits. For example, a cup of green tea will entirely replace a morning cigarette, and instead of an evening get-together at the bar you can go and take a walk in the park.

No 5 - more walk in the fresh air
Where to go - it's not as important as how to do it. The main thing is to enjoy walking, relaxing and not forgetting to smile. Try as often as possible to go out of town and rest your eyes, so that the lungs can breathe fresh, river or forest air, and legs can wander through sand, earth or grass.

healthy lifestyle

No 6 - move
Active and not very kinds of sports will increase your endurance and flexibility and improve sleep. So the first signs of fatigue will appear much later, and the performance will go up, and the potency will be reflected exceptionally well. "Morning exercise" really sounds like from the Soviet past, but it will help you during the day to remain in high spirits, while the other co-workers will wake up with a cup of not very useful coffee.
 Young mothers are particularly fortunate: for young researchers can spend hours running from one site to another. Not fitness, but a fairy tale. All the rest - long, enjoyable walks and hikes.

No 7 - keep calm
Folk wisdom tends to write off all diseases on the nerves. In any case, in the struggle for your health, try not to be nervous or angry. And for this, it is enough to think whether the problem you are experiencing is essential in a week or a month. Thus, strengthen the spirit, and you will not make enemies. You will become peaceful and calm.

No 8 – embrace
Simple hugs are much more useful than it may seem at first glance - and stress resistance is enhanced, and a good mood is conveyed. When we embrace a person, the body produces hormones of happiness - endorphins and remove the bad feeling by simple human touch.

 No. 9 - laugh
Join those who think that the glass is half full! According to research, optimists are much less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, so a good mood is necessary for our body not less healthy food or exercise. Every day you find something to laugh at - and you will maintain the right level of hormones of good mood.

healthy lifestyle

No 10 - overcome your fears
Do finally something that you have always been unaccustomed and frightened, and feel free from it. Do not be afraid of failure, but defeat them. And once starting to lead a healthy lifestyle - do not give up this achievement, otherwise, instead of good, you can harm your health.