One of the most important conditions is the sugar content in the blood in normal ranges. Food is the only provider of glucose in the body. Plasma conducts it on all systems.

Glucose is a critical element in the process of saturation of cells with energy, both in men and women. Nevertheless, human cells can not absorb the necessary sugar without insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas.

home Sugar

Causes of increased blood sugar other than diabetes

Beans contribute to regulation of sugar in the blood 

Dietitian's opinion

The content of the article:

1 Generally Accepted Norms

2 Why does blood sugar increase?

3 Characteristic symptoms

4 Features of reducing blood sugar: the main treatment

5 Prevention

Food is the only provider of glucose in the body. Plasma conducts it on all systems.

Glucose is a critical element in the process of saturation of cells with energy, both in men and women. Nevertheless, human cells can not absorb the necessary sugar without insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas. 

common Norms

The level of glucose in the blood unified for all people, both men, and women. However, in pregnant women, the norm is somewhat different, but in this case, the reasons for the increase in sugar are directly related to the position of the woman.

Determine the glucose when calculating the actual level of sugar in the blood, it is taken into account whether the person used food before the analysis. The norm of glucose for a healthy person is 3.9 - 5 mmol per liter. 120 minutes after eating, this figure should not exceed 5.5 mmol per liter.

The norm of sugar of venous blood and the standard of sugar of capillary blood differ to some extent.

Considering the results of a blood sugar test, specialists always pay attention to the age of a person, because an adult and a child have excellent sugar content.

Why does blood sugar increase?

Many people believe that the only reason why there is an increase in sugar in the body of both men and children, for example, is only diabetes. This opinion is erroneous since other causes can cause the violation of the glucose in the blood, for example:

  • eating foods with lots of simple carbohydrates;
  • weak physical exertion or total lack of it;
  • excessive intake of alcoholic beverages;
  • stress and nervous system disorders.

The causes of high blood glucose are related to specific groups, depending on the diseases that trigger the appearance of the problem. It's about the disorders of such organs:

  • liver;
  • endocrine system;
  • pancreas.

Organs that belong to the endocrine system synthesize hormones and insulin including. Why do the level of sugar in men and the child increase? The answer is that if the system fails, the mechanism of glucose uptake by the cells of the body begins to degrade. 

Diffuse changes in the pancreas and liver also directly affect the level of glucose in the blood of an adult and a child, the sugar content rises at the same time. 

Why is this happening? 

These organs are included in the processes of accumulation, synthesis, and assimilation of glucose in the human body.

Among other things, the cause of increased sugar may be in taking diuretics and contraceptives. Doctors call pregnancy another factor in increasing blood sugar. Some women during pregnancy have gestational diabetes.

This type of diabetes is a temporary disorder and goes away immediately after childbirth. But in any case, a pregnant woman needs treatment, because the complication and course of gestational diabetes threaten the health and life of the child.


If a high level of glucose in the body is continuously recorded, then the person begins to notice specific signs. The most common of them are:

Excessive sweating

  • Increased urination
  • Prostration
  • Constant feeling of dryness in the mouth
  • Obsessive thirst
  • Frequent urination.
  • Rapid weight loss with the use of habitual food and without changes in physical activity
  • A sharp decrease in visual acuity
  • Skin Problems
  • Nausea, vomiting, and dizziness