Diet Pills: To date, the market many tools reduce body weight. Most of them promise to cut weight from 10 kilograms or more per month, but are completely useless, despite its high cost. Many people mistakenly believe that effective drugs can only be expensive or at least advertised.
In fact, a large number of dietary supplements and diet pills are quite expensive but do not bring results. At the same time, many budget drugs do not harm the body and burn excess fat.
The principle of action of tablets: Fat burning. These can be tablets that accelerate metabolism, increasing energy expenditure and vice versa, which increase energy in the body (such drugs should be taken half an hour before going to the gym to improve training efficiency).

Side effects of diet pills?
Diet pills, usually, have one of the following effects: Block the assimilation of fast carbohydrates in the gastrointestinal tract; Decrease appetite; Increase energy consumption, speeding up metabolism; Causes a laxative or diuretic effect; Purify the body of toxins (with micro cellulose and activated carbon); Biologically active additives, vitamins, and minerals that support the body are typical during a strict diet.

What are inexpensive diet pills?
 It is not necessary to purchase expensive means for weight reduction. The course of taking medications can cost a person not more than a thousand rubles. All tablets and supplements have different efficacy and affect different organisms in different ways. Before making your choice, you need to consider the following factors: The sex of a person; Age category; Individual features of the organism; Hereditary factors;

Budget drugs for weight loss:
Microcrystalline cellulose or MCC. This drug is rich in fiber, it swells in the stomach and creates a sense of satiety, discourages appetite and cleanses the walls of the intestine; These are inexpensive biological supplements, which the producer promises, correct the figure. Preparations should be taken complexly to achieve the maximum effect.

By composition and action, they are entirely different;

 Senna extract. In addition to teas, it is also available in the form of tablets. Has a laxative effect; Chitosan. It blocks the absorption of fats;

Bromelain. Improves digestion; Chromium picolinate. It maintains the level of insulin in the blood, thereby discouraging people from craving for sweets; Extract of green tea. The drug accelerates metabolic processes in the body, reduces appetite and promotes the breakdown of fats; L-carnitine. It is an amino acid that increases energy in the body and during physical exerts effectively burns fats. Also, the drug stimulates an increase in muscle mass, which also speeds up the metabolism;

 Orsotene and Orsotene Slim.
These drugs are rather medicines, rather than biologically active additives. Orsotene contains active ingredient Orlistat, which is part of many expensive capsules for weight loss. Orsotene blocks the production of digestive enzymes that break down fats that enter the body with food. Thus, they leave the body in an unchanged form; In pharmacies, you can buy pills without a prescription, which help to reduce weight complexly with a competently composed diet and moderate physical exertion. These drugs contain vitamins or are they, and when correctly applied, do not cause side effects and do not harm the body, on the contrary, they rejuvenate it.

What are the effects of effective drugs:
How to effectively lose weight?
I had time to try many methods and methods of losing weight before I found working and active. And here is the best of them: Natural complex for weight loss. Allows you to quickly burn excess weight, fight cellulite and eliminate acne and acne.  Accelerate metabolism (protein, fat, and carbohydrate); Reduce appetite and give a sense of saturation; Tablets for temporary digestive disorders (enzymes and drugs that block enzymes); Enhancing thermogenesis (body heat)

Tablets used for obesity and diabetes;
 Tablets to reduce body weight, which began to gain popularity due to its effectiveness quickly; Goldline. Pills are quite effective. In most cases, appointed by a doctor; Clenbuterol. Initially, the United States was used to treat patients with bronchial asthma. It was soon noticed that after eight hours, Clenbuterol began to burn fat deposits effectively. Now this drug is mainly used by athletes to dry the body and people who are engaged in the gym to lose weight.

 The wrong choice of diet pills and their free use can be significant harm to the whole body. There are such consequences as: Depression; Anemia; Decreased mental activity; Emotional instability; Diseases of the heart and blood vessels; Disruption of the digestive organs; Insomnia; Metabolism (dystrophy or vice versa, excess weight loss in a more significant number); Before you buy these or other drugs that affect weight loss, carefully study their composition.

Consult a therapist and a nutritionist to find out if you are allergic to some components. Diseases of the heart and vessels, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract should also be excluded. During the taking of tablets, you must follow a complicated diet. In your body must come vitamins and minerals, digestion should work. Fasting is excluded. Otherwise, the risk of getting various diseases of all the digestive organs grows at times.
List of dangerous means for weight loss

When buying pills that promote weight loss in pharmacies, be careful when choosing because there are drugs that are dangerous to your health.

Dangerous drugs that are prohibited from taking:

 2 Day Diet;

 3 Day Diet Lingzhi;

 Extrim Plus;

 Slim 3 in 1; Somotrin;

 999 Fitness Essence;

 Perfect Slim;

 Perfect Slim 5x;

 ProSlim Plus;