Why hair grow and get rid of it?

Hello, dear friends!
This topic was suggested to me by the reader of the blog. I remember that there were times when this problem annoyed me but made me look for new solutions and change care and approaches. 
In the article we will analyze why the hair grows into the skin, how to deal with this phenomenon and how to get rid, knowing the causes of ingrown hair, from this trouble in the future.


What determines the appearance of these inflamed bumps, how many people manage not to face this annoying consequence of depilation?

First, let's define in terms. There are two cosmetic approaches to the removal of unwanted hair - depilation and hair removal. We regularly depilate at home, but only specialists in cosmetology clinics can carry out epilation.
"Depilation is any way of mechanically removing unnecessary hairs", for example, sugaring, shaving, creams, tweezers, wax, etc. That hair is removed, and the hair follicle functions further, so reproduction of the removed hairs is restored.
Epilation - this effect directly on the hair follicles, resulting in the destruction of the follicles, and the appearance of new hair becomes impossible. Of course, it is impossible to aggressively influence the follicles at home, since laser or electric current is used for such procedures. Therefore, hair removal is a specialized procedure performed in a cosmetology clinic or beauty salon.
Thus, analyzing the causes of ingrown hair in the skin, we will mean depilation of skin areas at home. And after analyzing the reasons, the question of how to get rid of it will not arise.

What does "ingrown" hair mean?

When a few days after depilation some of the newly growing hairs do not penetrate the epidermis but begin to grow horizontally, they wrap themselves inside in the opposite direction to the growth, i.e. under the skin - this is the "ingrown hair". The process is accompanied by reddening of the skin area over the "lost" hair, pustular inflammation, itching, and swelling. It's like fighting an organism with a foreign body in the dermis.
The same causes of ingrown hair appear in both sexes, although different areas of the skin are subjected to mechanical removal of the hairs.

Why hair grows into the skin?

The causes of ingrown hair on the skin are not so much. As a rule, they are all related in one way or another to improper skin care, both daily and before/after the procedure. Therefore, we will fight this scourge with competent cosmetic care.
The first reason is the absence of preparatory procedures for depilation
We are talking about qualitative skin cleansing and peeling (scrub). If you do not help the dead skin cells of the epidermis peel off, then their scales clog the mouth of the hair follicles. The skin becomes thicker and coarser. How in this case weak hairs break through this barrier?

This cause is the main cause of men's inflammatory after shaving. The hair on the face of men, mostly hard, have a thicker trunk and thickness. Therefore, so many men suffer from ingrown hairs and, as a result, serious pustular inflammation.

How to get rid of ingrown hair, if the main means of men's cosmetics - shaving foam and cologne (or alcohol lotion)?
Which to use scrubs, depends on your preferences. Manufacturers of cosmetics produce body scrubs that are easy to use. Carefully read the instructions on the packaging. I personally prefer homemade scrubs, which are easy to make by hand.
A good solution is also a hard wool from natural fibers, especially before depilation of the skin of the legs. First, it will help to remove the dead skin of the epidermis, and secondly, it will ripen the skin and open the follicle mouth.
Home scrubs for body

Sea salt

Take the sea salt, pre-chopping large crystals (rolling pin, for example). Salt is mixed with the base ingredient and polishes the skin. The basic ingredients are a vegetable oil, honey, cosmetic clay. The proportion of salt to the base is 1: 3. Take into account that the last of the natural scrub should be to interfere with salt so that it is not dissolved in the base before the time. Polish the epidermis immediately.


Thoroughly wash 2 eggs, cook, dry with paper napkins and eat the entrails for breakfast. Separate the inner film from the shell, break the shell into pieces and dry it. Then grind the shell in a coffee grinder to the state of a uniform powder. We connect the powder with the shower gel 1: 1 and exfoliate the dead layer of the skin. Before the procedure, moisten it with water, respectively.


Crystals of sugar choose small because large ones can injure the skin. The basic product to which you add sugar can serve as sour cream, butter, honey or a thick shower gel. The proportions are 1: 1. As with salt scrubs, the procedure must be carried out immediately.

In addition to exfoliating procedures, before waxing with a razor, hair softening agents should be used. Optimal option - natural base oils. First, the oil will soften the stiffness of the hairs; secondly, it will help the razor to slide over the surface of the skin, and thirdly, it will additionally moisturize it.