First of all, it should be noted that it is most useful to drink water on an empty stomach and between meals. In this case, its use does not affect the digestive processes.
Do you know that many of us could cope with various health problems and improve our well-being if every day we began to drink more water between meals:
We have heard more than once about the benefits of this simple habit from doctors, nutritionists, relatives, and friends. But, despite this, it is complicated for us to do this regularly.
In our today's article, we would like to identify all the health problems that would have disappeared from our lives if we started drinking at least one and a half liters of water every day.
We are sure that you will be surprised and you will want to start drinking more water today!

Drink more water to get rid of diseases?

Now we will tell you about health problems that can be alleviated or wholly solved thanks to this useful habit - to drink more water throughout the day.


In many cases, the appearance of constipation is due precisely to dehydration. Especially this applies to those of us who adhere to proper nutrition and eat foods rich in fiber.
Increasing the amount of water used makes it easier to remove stool.
If your feces are round, dry and small in size, it is possible that water will help you defeat constipation without taking laxatives.

Skin Problems

Many skin problems - acne, rashes, eczema or dryness - can also be cured due to this simple, useful habit - to drink water between meals.
Water stimulates the excretion of toxins that accumulate in our body and, under the influence of specific factors, can go out through the skin pores.

When we drink a lot of water, all these toxins and toxins are more easily removed from our body along with the urine.
Stones in the kidneys
The main recommendation of medical specialists is to drink at least 2 liters of water a day when it comes to preventing kidney stone. The most important thing is that it contains few salts.
This habit stimulates the excretion of urine, preventing the progressing growth of stones and removing the already existing small grains of sand from our body.
if you have kidney stones and a hereditary predisposition to the development of this disease, you need to consider this issue seriously.
Excess weight
The use of water helps us lose weight. This pattern has many explanations:
Water allows you to remove excess fluid, which, accumulating in our body, cause us to gain weight and look fuller. Thanks to water, our metabolism accelerates, which makes it easier for us to burn calories.
When we drink more, our digestion improves, and with it the assimilation of various nutrients. The body is more natural to empty the intestines.
Using more water, we calm the appetite, and it becomes easier for us to refrain from snacks. Finally, water stimulates sweat secretion and elimination of toxins and fluids from our body.

Those who have high blood pressure, remember that the habit of drinking water in small sips throughout the day allows you to control blood pressure without the need for appropriate medications.
This property of water is explained by the increase in the amount of excreted urine.
It should be remembered that to maintain healthy blood pressure should adhere to a balanced diet, limit the use of salt, as well as protect themselves from stress and nervous tension. These measures will allow you to avoid the development of hypertension and the intake of medications for its treatment.

Premature aging
The aging of our body is the result of harm caused by free radicals. As for other factors causing premature aging, it is necessary to note such a problem as the gradual loss of a person's body fluid.
Thus, the body of a newborn is 80% water. As for an adult, there are about 70% of this fluid in his body. In older people, this volume of water can be reduced to 60%.
Thus, the use of water allows us to slow down the development of dehydration, and with it, and protect your body from premature aging.
This will have a beneficial effect not only on our appearance, protecting us from wrinkles and loss of skin tone, but also on the health of internal organs: thanks to water, we can avoid aging cells, and with it the development of many chronic and degenerative diseases.

When and how best to drink water?

For water to bring the most significant benefit to our health, it must be drunk on an empty stomach - in other words, in the intervals between meals.
Otherwise, water loses some of its usefulness and can cause digestive disturbances.
It is best to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning. Also, the appropriate time for its reception are morning and morning.
If you have problems falling asleep, it will be better to refrain from drinking water in the afternoon.

About the volume of liquid, it is recommended to drink from one and a half to two liters of water daily. It is best to do it in small sips throughout the day.