
A cough is a protective mechanism of the body, aimed at removing sputum, dust and other foreign bodies from the respiratory tract. A cough can be wet and dry. Usually, the one and the other passes two weeks later and is not a sign of something serious. But a strong prolonged cough should be an occasion to consult a doctor. If a cough appeared due to a viral infection, you can cure it yourself


 Do not rush to take cough medicine the effectiveness of most of them is not proven, but the list of side effects is decent. In addition, tablets and cough syrups are not recommended for children under six years, and from 6 to 12 - only after a doctor's examination. And then the good old non-medicament means come to the rescue.
 The main ingredient of home cough remedies is honey. A lot of scientific evidence that honey helps to cope not only with a
cough but with tonsillitis. Mainly due to its antibacterial properties. To quickly cure a cough at home, mix honey with lemon juice or add it to warm milk. But remember that such drinks should not be treated for children under three years, not only because of the allergenicity of the mixture, but also the possible development of botulism in children up to a year (in rare cases, honey can contain spores of Gram-positive, anaerobic rod of Clostridium botulinum, the causative agent of this toxic-infectious disease).


 If a cough without temperature and is not related to asthma, then you can take a hot shower. Having a good steam, you will feel that it will be easier to breathe. This method is especially suitable for the treatment of a dry cough at home. The steam helps to calm the compulsive paroxysmal cough, cleanse the sinuses of the nose and withdraw phlegm from the throat and lungs.


 Pepper stimulates blood circulation and improves the outflow of mucus, so it is considered the best way to get rid of a cough, especially wet. Take a teaspoon of freshly ground pepper, two tablespoons of honey and pour boiling water. Give the medicine 10 minutes, strain and drink a couple of sips before going to bed.


 To "not rip off a cough," try to drink as much liquid as possible. If you do not have special infusions, herbs, and honey, it does not matter. Even regular tea will help maintain mucus thinned and protect against attacks of a dry cough.

 Ginger has been used to treat a cough since ancient times. Especially popular this method is considered in eastern medicine. It has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties warm well and strengthens immunity. To quickly cure a cough at home, make ginger tea. To do this, take 12 slices of fresh ginger and pour three glasses of water. Boil the drink for 20 minutes and remove from heat. Strain and add 1 tablespoon of honey. It is not necessary to drink all in one gulp; it is better to stretch out the tea party for the whole evening.


The juice of black radish is an effective remedy for both wet cough and dry. This root vegetable contains essential oils, therefore, only one spoonful of juice 3-4 times a day eliminates bronchospasm, dilutes sputum and, on the whole, has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract. You can also prepare a medicine based on radish juice and honey. To do this, you need to remove a part of the flesh from the fruit and pour liquid honey. In an hour the radish will let out juice which mixes up with honey and forms the present syrup from a cough.

 Do not know how to cure a cough quickly at home? Apply a mustard compress on the bronchi. You can use pharmacy mustard, or prepare them yourself. To do this, mustard (1 teaspoon) should be diluted in hot water (180 ml) and moisten the linen towel in the resulting mixture. But do not immediately apply a compress, it can burn the skin. To begin with, you need to put a dry napkin or cloth on the rib cage, and then put a yellow cardstock. After 2-3 minutes the procedure must be completed.